Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Click on image to enlarge
Find more of my political cartoons at

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Here's my latest political cartoon for MittFitts!
I guess it didn't take me too long before I gave in to the temptation of drawing a comic book related cartoon.
So, here it is, SuperMitt: fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way, while repelling the bullets of false criticism.
By the way, if you're interested in purchasing these cartoons' original art, you can now do so, by going to this web page. (Click here)
Net proceeds (payment minus S&H and Paypal  transaction fee) from the sale of these cartoons will be donated to the Mitt Romney for President campaign or to an affiliated political action committee.
Here' what the original of the above cartoon looks like.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Listen To My Radio Interview!

Please, join me on Mitt Romney Radio for an exclusive interview on MittFitts!, my latest adventure in the world of political cartooning. 
The  show will be broadcast live on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 9:00 PM (Easter Daylight Time)
Recordings of the show will also be available, thereafter, on Mitt Romney Radio and Blog Talk Radio.
During the show you'll have a chance to call-in with questions or comments.
Speaking of political cartoons and radio shows, here's my take on Rush Limbaugh and what he had to say on Mitt Romney...
(Click on image to enlarge)